Baptism is the first Sacrament, where infants, older children or adults are united with the death and resurrection of Jesus, to become new creations, as members of his body, the Church. Through baptism we become one family of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, and beloved children of our heavenly Father! Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 12pm. Please complete the contact form below or contact the Parish office to organize a date.
Through the Sacrament of Marriage God unites the bride and groom as one for life. Their love becomes a symbol of Christ's love for his Church, and God promises to be with them to help them to live out their marriage vows all the days of their life. If you are interested in getting married in our Parish, Please complete the contact form below or contact the Parish office to organize a date at least 6 months prior to your wedding day.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a "Sacrament of Healing", where a sick person is anointed with the Oil of the Sick, which brings the spiritual healing of Jesus's mercy, as well as prayers for their physical health and well-being. Please contact Fr Duane via email at or via the parish office any time if you or anyone you know would like to receive this Sacrament.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a wonderful Sacrament of Healing, which brings us an experience of the unconditional love and mercy of God, and reconciliation with God and one another. It is a wonderful gift of peace and joy in God, and Fr Duane loves to celebrate it!
In Catholic schools, children typically prepare for and celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in their early primary years. Regular participation in Reconciliation is encouraged as a way to grow in faith and to deepen our relationship with God.
See the parish schedule for regular times
or make an appointment with Fr Duane
The celebration of the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our Catholic life, where we gather together as God's family especially on Sundays as the day of Resurrection, listen to God's Word together, and through the Eucharist we receive the most intimate Communion with Jesus and with one another. Sunday Masses are 10am (with Children's Liturgy of the Word during school term) and 5pm - all are welcome!
If you are unable to attend Mass, but still wish to receive the Eucharist we can come to you. Please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you soon.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is closely connected to the Sacrament of Baptism, and is a "strengthening" of our Baptism where we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to join the mission of the Church as full and mature members of the Body of Christ. Bishop Brian celebrates this Sacrament for children in year 6 and above each year.
If your child is going in to year 6 at a non-Catholic school and you wish to find out more about confirmation, please fill out the contact form below.